О компании ООО АСС-НН

The company “ACC-NN” is one of the leading companies in Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod’s region in the sphere of wholesales and distribution of the goods for pets.

We have worked since 2005 (We have been working since 2005)

The company has established itself as a reliable partner guarantying the efficient work and quality service to its suppliers and customers.

Monthly the company serves over 400 clients: pet shops, vet clinics, breeders, clubs, supermarkets and wholesale’s companies.

Our company is partner and distributor of many foreign and local manufacturers:

- The distributor of the company Hill's Pet Nutrition (foods for cats and dogs), USA.

- The distributor of the company AVZ (veterinary preparations, vitamins, care products for cats, dogs, birds, rodents and horses), Russia

- The distributor of the company Astrafarm (antiparasitic agents, vitamins, care products), Russia

- The distributor of the company Ekoprom Ekoprom (antiparasitic agents, vitamins, care products), Russia

There are more than 5 000 items in the assortment: foods, accessories and veterinary preparations for pets.

A flexible discount system, a delivery to shops, an individual approach to every client. We not just sell our products, but we aim to achieve stable and high-quality cooperation based on partnership and mutual benefits with every our client.

There is a veterinary department in “ACC-NN” offering a full range of products for vet clinics: equipment, medicine, vaccines and expendable materials.

We constantly organize various activities together with our business partners to promote products exhibitions, seminars, promotions both for pet owners and for shops.

“ACC-NN” is a large and friendly rallied collective – a team where everyone knows their job distinctly and where everyone knows that their result is the result for whole business.